All the Good News

 :: New server

Congrats! You made it to IAGFFA's new server, which is at the same address as the old server. Okay, then congrats rescinded. But enjoy the new digs, and if you see anything strange, as always, lemme know!
— Liam at the new digs

 :: Security certificate is out right now

Hey everyone ravenously trying to get to my site, there is some wonkiness with the security certificate of my site, making that good ol' https become an http and giving everyone a hard time trying to access this. If you've gotten this far, awesome! I opened a ticket with my site host to get it resolved. Hopefully it won't take long.

This is also affecting me getting emails, so if I don't respond right away, don't worry about it. If it's an emergency, you can always reach me on Facebook.

Sorry about this. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.

— Technical-Problem Liam

 :: Notifications are working?

What? Seriously? Maybe!

That buggy-since-forever part of the site, the whole reason you'd even have an account, has actually been fixed up. You can now log in and clickity-click to get updates on news bits and appearances right in yer inbox.

As always, report any bugs.

— Liam, the announcement czar

 :: Database down

Sorry to everyone for what looked like a really odd site yesterday. The database went down. Luckily the voices in my head have the foresight to make backups!
— Liam, the outside voice in my head

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